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2022-06-25 15:53  


姓名: 王俊涛 性别:

所属教研室:物流管理 常用邮箱:13253693320@163.com

职称:讲师 职务:

学历:研究生 学位:博士











1. Exploring the optimal reverse supply chain for e waste treatment under Chinese government subsidy. Waste Management. 2022, 137: 128-138. SCI, 中科院1区, TOP期刊,1作者.

2. Household waste management in Shanghai and its implications for the second-tier cities in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 321: 128980. SCI, 中科院1区, TOP期刊, 通讯作者.

3. Closed-loop supply chain under different channel leaderships: considering different deposit refund systems practically applied in China. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 2021, 23:1765-1776. SCI, 第1作者.

4. Formalisation of informal collectors under a dual recycling channel: A game theoretic approach. Waste Management & Research. 2020, 38(5): 576-587. SCI, 第1作者.

5. Province level estimation of waste mobile phones in China and location planning of recycling centers. Waste Management & Research. 2019, 37(9): 898-905. SCI, 1作者.

6. Optimal Channel Configuration for Implementing Remanufacturing Business in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management. 2021, 14(1):113-132. EI, 1作者.


1. A Study of Formal Post-products Collected to Reuse Business Structures on Resource Sustainability through System Dynamics. Procedia CIRP. 2018, 69, 833–837. EI, 第1作者.

2. Development of Resource Efficiency Index for Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Procedia CIRP. 2017, 61: 275–280. EI, 第1作者.

3. Study of formalization of informal collectors under a dual-channel reverse logistics: a game theoretic approach. EcoDesign and Sustainability I: Chapter 13, Springer. 2021. E-book chapter, 1作者.

4. The Effects of Collection Promotions on Resource-Efficient Utilization and Resource Sustainability of Mobile Phone Market: A System Dynamics Approach. Technologies and Eco-innovation towards Sustainability I: Chapter 11, Springer. 2019, 135-146. E-book chapter, 1作者.


1. 河南省高校人文社会科学研究项目,《河南省沿黄城市带生活垃圾分类治理逆向供应链协同机制构建研究20225月立项,主持

2. 河南牧业经济学院教育教学改革研究项目,《基于项目导向与任务驱动的“物流信息系统”课程改革研究与实践》,20221月立项,主持。

3. 河南省科技厅软科学项目(省部级),《绿色发展背景下河南省无废社区的体系构建研究 202110月结项,参与第一。

4. 河南省社科规划项目(省部级),《河南实现生活垃圾分类善治的干预机制构建研究》, 20209月立项,参与第一。



1. 2019年11月25日-27日,日本, 横滨;

会议:11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Ecodesign2019);

2. 2018年4月29- 5月4日, 丹麦, 哥本哈根;

会议:25th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference (LCE 2018);

3. 2017年11月28日- 12月2日,中国台湾, 台南市;

会议:10th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Ecodesign2017);

4. 2017年9月26-28,日本, 札幌;

会议:The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan/The East Asian Resources Recycling Technology (MMIJ);

5. 2017年6月26-28,中国, 北京;

会议:Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI2017);

6. 2017年3月8日-10,日本, 镰仓;

会议:The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering;


1. 2017214日,日本, 秋田;

研讨会:Akita University ICREMER The 11th International Symposium;

2. 201678-10日,日本, 东京;

交流论坛:The 4th student meeting of Leading Program students.


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